Apostles of Jesus

What is an apostle?  Apostle means one who is sent.

What is a disciple? means follower.

Peter, James, John, 
Andrew,Phillip, and Bartholomew
Thaddeus, Thomas, another James
       Mathew, Simon, Judas too.

      These 12 disciples, all followed Jesus
      But one betrayed Him,
      Lord help me be true.


The Disciples included three sets of brothers:
Simon (whom He had named Peter) and Andrew;
James and John, Zebedee's sons;
James and Thaddeus, sons of Alpheus

First is (2) Andrew and (4) John. At about 4 in the afternoon, Jesus talked to Andrew and John. They asked Jesus where He was staying and He told them to come and see. They spent the rest of the day with Jesus. Andrew went to find his brother Simon and told him that they (Andrew and John) had found Jesus.
Then Simon went to Jesus and Jesus told Simon that he would be called (1) Peter which means rock. At the same time, John went to get his brother (3) James.
John 1:43-51 Jesus wanted to go to Galilee and He found (6) Philip and told him to “Follow me.” Philip found (7) Bartholomew. He was also called Nathanael. He asked Philip if anything good could come out of Nazareth and Philip told him to come and see Jesus!
They went to Jesus and Jesus greeted them and told Bartholomew “Before Philip called you, I saw you sitting under the fig tree". Bartholomew was amazed and Jesus told him that he would see greater things. Because Jesus had known that Bartholomew was sitting under a fig tree, he knew that Jesus was special!
So we have Simon, now called (1) Peter by Jesus and (2) Andrew his brother. The 2 brothers (3) James & (4) John. And we have (6) Philip. All of these 5 Disciples were from Bethsaida, which was a fishing town. People think that (11) Simon was also brought in as a Disciple around the same time.
(5) Matthew was a tax collector. He collected taxes outside the city of Capernaum. People who came by him had to pay taxes for average items they traded. The fishermen also paid taxes on their catches. People didn’t like the tax collectors because they overcharged to make extra money for themselves. It was usually a 5% fee but some things were charged up to 12%. People thought the tax collectors money was so unclean, they didn’t ask for their change! Matthew 9:9 says that Jesus saw Mathew sitting at the tax office and walked up to him and said; “Follow Me.” So Matthew did.
(9) James, son of Alphaeus & (10) Thaddeus. There isn’t much told to us about them. (8) Thomas is known as Doubting Thomas because he didn’t believe that Jesus, after He died was raised from the dead.
(12) Last we have Judas Iscariot. He is the one that betrayed Jesus. He was the treasurer for the Disciples. (John 12:6) He betrays Jesus for money. We’ll learn more about him later.

Jesus told them that they were to preach, preach, preach! Jesus told them to heal the sick including the lepers. 

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